Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The GOP - Behind the Scenes...

Doing What They Do Do.
As Act one comes to a close, the silly dancing marionettes slowly clear center stage, one by one, for the entrance of the hero; an updated version of their last automaton. Suitably attired in a "real American" outfit, including cowboy boots & a thick dark, wavy wig,  he saunters from the rear, mark, front and center.

The crowd goes wild...

Two Things...

We only have to wonder why they are using the same voice-over artist as the last time....

And we are quite sure that they are working frantically to work out the embedded mannerisms from its' last roll as a Stepford Wife...

Put us in a tutu and parade us around town...

We would have an easier time convincing the masses that we are a prima donna than Rick Perry ever will convincing the savvy that he is a man's man...


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