Thursday, December 23, 2010

blinking blue baby jesus....

Eight or nine years ago we took over a somewhat large installment of holiday decorations for who would become our favorite client in queens, in a village known at the time of its inception as "Hollywood East"...
We really needed the cash at the time, (and the client),  and it is fun, (mini bar in the garage, yes, there are several vintages of Dom), albeit labor intensive... and we finally positioned the Vatican sanctioned, gauche, plastic manger, (evidently the baby Jesus was born proportioned as an post pubescent youth).....
I manage to find only one bulb of this size; the bulb is blue and it blinks...
We informed the Important, Wealthy, Italian, Catholic, Lady of the House, that indeed, Jesus was blinking blue.....
She chortled...
And thought that this was just fine!
Then she handed me a wad of cash as she drove me back home; I gave her a succulent imported ginger candy.
& now the baby adolescent Jesus is still blinking blue, some nine years later...

we rock!


1 comment:

  1. Thank God for my client as it needs be I ask her to pay my January rent!
    I love her.
