Friday, October 26, 2012

I Saw the Coolest Thing Today:

A very nicely kept older blue sedan with this bumper sticker, coming down the mountain, Memaw at the wheel: 

I tore myself away from my romantic feelings with the ol' man driving me down the mountain in the truck, during indian summer, trees ablaze. I rolled down the window, rolled up my sleeve in my best "Rosie the Riveter fashion", and proffered very erect, "thumb-up".

Go, Granny, Go...

Now, God has blessed me....
I have got balls for the poor (I got a great dick too!),  but I have balls for the poor...

I can spare a square.

But, living here on the blue ridge, and dealing with the crazy bitches that a woman like her has to deal with, and being openly an Obama supporter?

I'll just say that I ain't layin' my raisins on the table against memaw's any time soon....

Usually I am dominant, but there is always a bigger fish in the sea.

Go, Granny, Go.

Find out more HERE...

I often wear this very same outfit....

Small world, huh?

I have a penis;
I Am Wally...

Just then, it hit norma, like a parked car.....


  1. Women could rule the world, and Granny knows it!

    PS Love MJ's GoBama!!

  2. "I have a penis;
    I Am Wally...

    Just then, it hit norma, like a parked car....."


    1. The " I have a penis; I Am Wally" has to do with the Helen Reddy song.

      As to the reference to you? I have not a clue, I was going somewhere with it (I write in piecework oftentimes). I've been trying to figure out what it was & all I can remember right now is that it was funny (at the time, anyway), and had something to do with cars. I deleted the rest of it and went to bed without checking the post....

      What can I say, I was tired and drinking wine-in-a-box...
      Sometimes I Drink.

      Please do forgive me if I made you unsettled you my dear,

