Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Were Going to do a Whitty Post.......

But when we went to do it, we forgot whether we were looking for black holes or the
Countess De Lave.....
What does it Matter?

I don't even remember her name....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thunder Snowstorm in NYC ....

Talk About the Weather,
stock image
Just too weird...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bring on the Dancing Horses.....

Inquiring minds 
would like to know what is going on with me & the almost total lack of kamp on the blog. 
what happened was, I took the fan and shoved it into a pile of shit.

There! Are you happy?

Total meltdown....
"Tear down that BITCH of a wall, and put a window where a window ought to be."
So I did.

I feel much better now, except for all the innocently guilty onlookers (art enthusiasts), that are all now splattered with crap because of my abilities & inabilities....
(collateral damage).

Talk about art, huh?

Speaking of art, as I left my previous New York habitat I placed everything on the street over a period of about a week, including my paintings. They were all slurped up immediately. None were signed, I only do that when I am satisfied with my work, which is seldom.  The only signed piece is going to one of my exes in Texas (Where the fuck did you think my exes live, motherfuckers? Duluth?).

The landlord was screaming at me, much like over the previous years only more abusive. Then a sage called and told me to come over and have a beer, so I did. When we informed him of our predicament, he whipped out the old "If your house was on fire" thingy....
I went back and put the most important things in the van (not my things), and at about six-thirty, last monday morning I said to my little dog: "Come on Mickey, let's get out of here."....

I left the door wide open with all three televisions on and tuned to the same station; a disaster....

Oh! to be a fly on the wall; I wonder what was on TV, and the first lines heard as they realized that I had vanished.....
Mostly the mind reals...

I am ok,
I am now sleeping on twin gold lame' beanbags, so as you could see, I am just fine.
This turn of events is nothing new for me, in fact this is my third time at the rodeo, and every time you dismount the bronco you think that you will never have to do that again. I am older now and know that one never, ever, truly dismounts the bronco. Some just have a more pliable bull than me, that's all. I am not envious of anyone and am truly happy that most go through life with a relatively calm bull, but a bull nonetheless, I am not trying to take away from anyone's private struggles even though they are licking one of those big rodeo lollipops.

This song reminds me of someone I used to know:


To quote Mark Twain: "My ways preserve my life, but they would assassinate you."