Monday, March 17, 2014

Thirty-Two Years Ago Today...

I went dancing at JB's Down in Kent, Ohio, there was going to be three of my favorite bands playing all in one night.  Groovy...  I also remember that there were quite a few people there that didn't quite "get" the scene and that there was some filming going on. I remember thinking "I'll never see any of that".  Well I was wrong...

A couple of weeks ago I googled a photograph (of something totally unrelated), when something caught my eye. I followed the links and found an article in which some old friends telling stories about the punk movement in the Cleveland-Akron-Kent area of Ohio in the seventies and early eighties. It was a nice read and reminded me of some great times.  At the end of the article there was a link to this film, provided for those that wanted a little taste of what the scene was like back then.  I just knew that there would be film of my friends and likely of me in it, and there is.  I'm surprised at how many names I remember.
Anyway, in the first two songs there are glimpses of me here & there, but then in the third song I am right there, front and center, dancing for most of the song..!

Don't feel obligated to watch unless you were into the new music movement; punk, new wave scene. Or, unless you want to see how adorable I was when I was nineteen (good thing I didn't know it at the time or I'd be dead by now)..!

(Also you can easily see Tracy Wormworth dancing in the crowd and I think you see Jim Jarmusch's back, though I can't be sure).


  1. That is just amazing Wallingford and yes adorable cutting the rug. What a treat to come across. Now we just have to wait for your 54 days disclosed..........

  2. That's so cool that you found that stuff!

    I think I see you. Pre-Sal Mineo era?

    1. Yeah!
      Finding it by accident too..!!!
      I'm the cutie that rubs his own neck when Claudia of The Somantics is singing "Pain in the neck; Pain in the neck.."
      (I am an interpretative dancer).

      You only get the Sal look when you are looking into my black eyes.......

  3. Replies
    1. I know!!!
      So weird... Thirty-two years ago, right now, maybe..!

  4. Very cool.
    Made me get up and move at my desk this morning, sparking disapproving looks in the eyes of co-workers.
    And, as the kids might say today, you were totes adorbs!

  5. Circles in circles in circles...

    Yes it is some hard dancing music, and there is a reason why Cleveland is the rock & roll capital of the world. No one there sits still while the band is playing, be it rock, waltz or polka...!
