Sunday, August 4, 2013

Days Without The Internet...

It was truly bizarre and started me thinking: What did I do before the internet..?

Do you remember..?

It was actually more difficult to assemble the pieces of that time  than I would have thought but I do recall entertaining more, reading books and this thing called "art", though, right now I'm not quite sure what art is anymore.

This realization started giving me agita, so, I grabbed some beer and got drunk with some of my friends...

Anyway, I'm back now & will be around,

I think..!


  1. Replies
    1. Around here you work on trying not to make someone want to send you to jail...

  2. no doubt you fucked this
    chicken after you got him drunk.

  3. Isn't that "Art" on the couch exploring my two favourite things... Beer and Cock?

  4. We really need o get you out of the Hills.

    1. Hey Mister,
      Could you buy a girl a cup of coffee & a couple of sinkers..?
      I've got a story....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am known to spend a good share of my time with cocks of a different variety. That said, I recently deleted my profiles on A4A, Manhunt, Recon, BBRTS, etc. I came to realize that I really needed to focus on other things. Not that my attention every strays very far... - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

  7. Upton King, uptonking or Rhode Island Red...
    (Proper noun, verb, noun; respectively).
    Let the reader decide..!


  8. Wait a minute. Days before the internet?!?!?! Such a thing? And I may be reading between the lines, but are you saying you now live on the internet with a cock in your hands?

    1. Well you actually met me in real life, so why all the questions..?
      Do you like my fancy red cock, Maddie..?

      Likes beer, doesn't care who's buying....

  9. Honey, it was red?!? You forget I'm color blind! But I do remember a lot of plumage.
